For Course Creators, Authors, Speakers, Coaches, Trainers, Consultants, Experts, Professionals...

"How We Use Low-Priced Mini Courses To Enroll High-Level Clients That Pay At Prices Like $1,000 To $5,000 Each..."

Without Doing Manual 1-To-1 Consults, Old School Webinars And Tiring Product Launches - And Best Of All: No Need To Write Your Own, No Need To Be A Subject Expert... And Still Automate The Process!

What You Get In This Package:

How To Get Instant High Ticket Programs For Big Profits
Crash Course Copywriting To Sell Your Mini Course
Speedy Course Creation Using AI
Where To Host Your Mini Course
Email Sequence To Nurture And Grow Your Tribe
Bonus 1: Course Creator Check List And Rolodex
Bonus 2: Hot Course Topics List
Bonus 3: Regular Updates To Training

Regular Price $297


Backed By 60 Day Ironclad Guarantee

100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

Dear Friend,

Does this sound like you?

You are taking too long to make your own online Course - and this has you in a limbo for weeks or months on end...
You are second guessing if the topic you chose is profitable - or if zero people in the world are interested in it...
You couldn't get people to buy into your Course because you don't know where to find them, and how to get them interested...
You don't know how to get Clients to pay you thousands of dollars, and wonder if you're even worthy or qualified in the first place...
You tried giving away your Course for free and hope people like it, but instead wind up with tire kickers and non-action takers...
You tried doing webinars but people aren't really attending, let alone stay until the end...
You don't want to do phone calls and 1-to-1 meetings because let's be honest, this is a huge limitation and time is becoming a premium nowadays...
You're sick and fed up of struggling to make money consistently and profitably, and wonder if you're even cut out for this at all...


Because in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you...

How to sell your Courses like hot cakes!
How to get people consume your content and follow your Course, from start to end...
How to spread your core message and be a force of good to your tribe...
How to be seen as an Authority Figure in your niche, and that people hang onto your every word...
How to get dream Clients that are excited to work with you - and that they are qualified and ready to invest thousands of dollars with you!
How to remove undeserving freeloaders and time wasters from your business and community...
And automate the sales process so it works with or without you...
PLUS open up opportunities from your Course like Licensing, Done For You services, and more...


Before this discovery, I found myself ensnared in a cycle of struggle and frustration.

Despite my passion for e-learning, not only did I struggle to design Courses (months of my time poured into this) I faced an uphill battle in selling them. I tried selling at various prices, but no one seemed to want to join.

I experimented with giving away for free, and hope people will like me and my Course. You can guess how disappointed I was when my enthusiasm was not reciprocated - I was signing up a bunch of entitled people who didn't start my Course, let alone finish it.

In other words: I was attracting a bunch of tire kickers.

Because of that, no one even learned of my other programs and higher level stuff that I intended to show.

And even when I tried 1-to-1 phone sales with these leads (yeah, I was desperate) they showed no interest or said they can't afford it (basically, a conversation ender).

That was when I arrived at an epiphany:

Those who pay, pay attention.
Those who don't, won't.

This made me question how everyone else is marketing their Courses.

After some digging and being a little nosey, imagine my surprise when I learned...

Many Other Fellow Course Creators Struggle With The Same Problem!

This includes even those hailed as Gurus (I won't name them, to respect their privacy) grappled with similar challenges.

Thus it became evident that the landscape had evolved significantly compared to several years ago, demanding a fresh approach.

Now I don't consider myself a genius, but I had this idea:


At this point, I've got nothing to lose. And if anything, it's just another experiment to try.

I deliberately slashed my Main Course prices below the industry standard. From the usual $300 to $500 price tags down to low 2 digits.

Some people might be quick to accuse me of "spoiling the market" but wait, THERE'S MORE...

Instead of a several-hours long Course, I streamlined it down to under a couple of hours running time tops.

I got rid of all my free 'lead magnets' and focused 100% on acquiring paid Customers, albeit at a low price.

My rationale is two-fold:

One - I want to get only serious people in. At least, committed enough to make a token investment of some kind.

Two - At a relatively shorter running time, the completion rate for my Course is significantly higher.

"Okay, but selling a bunch of $20 Courses isn't going to make you rich..."

Exactly. This is where the next part comes in:

Because now I've got mainly Paid Customers that are more committed to take and complete my Course, they are also in a more ready state for my other Courses and even higher level Programs.

Granted, I've got less people - but a small pool of paid Course takers is more profitable than a sea of non-action taking freeloaders.

And the numbers prove it - time and again...

When the take-up rate from Paid Course students to higher level programs that charge thousands of dollars is many times HIGHER.

I know I'm not alone in this. And because of that, COURSE SAMURAI is made so you get to 'swipe' and model after my strategy...


COURSE SAMURAI is an unorthodox approach to create easy-to-consume online Courses, with the goal of enrolling students into higher level programs where you charge $1,000 to $5,000 each.

We use readily available AI tools that are free or low-cost to produce these courses fast, with running time of usually 2 hours or under.

This becomes a fast track 'education' for your students to develop high awareness and high readiness for your high level programs and services.

And unlike other 'course creation' methods in the market, we discovered a way to do this without the need to have certs, credentials, being a subject expert, or writing from scratch for that matter.

We give the strategy, framework, templates, and script so you can be up and running with this business model in minutes from now.

We also show where and how to enroll qualified, targeted students to your Courses.




Unique strategy to sell mini-style Online Courses at affordable prices, then move students to buy into your higher-level stuff at higher prices.



Source for premium programs that pay 3 and 4 digit commissions, so you don't even have to be the expert or render those services.



Proven format and formula to sell your Courses. We give you the frame work and scripts to follow along.



Not some robotic-sounding B.S. We're talking quality stuff that people follow and make you look good.



And how to set this up on a shoe-string budget (no need for a bunch of complex and costly software.)



Get people to consume your content, so you can easily qualify them into your higher-end stuff.

What You'll Discover:

This unique strategy to sell AI-built Online Courses at affordable prices, then 'graduate' your students up the ladder so they also buy into your higher-level stuff at prices like $1,000 to $5,000 each.
How to identify hot, profitable topics that are here to stay (we also give you a list)
Where and how to source for instant premium programs that pay 3 and 4 digit commissions, so you don't even have to be the expert or render those services.
Crash course copywriting to sell your Online Course - we give you a frame work to follow along.
How to produce your Course fast using AI - no, not some robotic, academic-sounding B.S. We're talking quality stuff that people want to follow, make you look good, and do away with copyright issues.
Where to host your Course and how to set this up on a shoe-string budget of easily under $50 a month (no need for a bunch of complex, costly and cumbersome software.)
Specific email sequence to get people to consume your content, nurtured into your tribe so you can easily qualify them into your higher-end stuff...
Speaking of 'higher-end stuff': create more opportunities for cross-sells and done-for-you so you GET PAID MORE (and your Course students will happily do so!)
Where to enroll paid course students and how to get them in using zero-cost and low-cost methods

And Much More...

The Cool Thing Is: You Can Do This Without Being A Subject Expert, Chase Certificates And Qualifications, Or Grinding Hard On Content...

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100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

What This Means To You?

First, no more:

Wasting weeks or months creating a Course that nobody follows
Wasting even more time chasing and obtaining 'credentials'
Begging people to join by giving away for free (yet don't appreciate)
Desperate phone sales calls to enroll unqualified people into your programs

And instead:

You can churn out fast Courses that people can easily follow, complete and have fun!
You can spread your core message to your audience,
You can reserve your valuable time and energy for serious action takers,
You can enroll people into higher level stuff without being involved in the process,
You will be seen and celebrated as an authority figure,
You can also repeat this blueprint in any niche!

If you are an Author, Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Consultant, Professional, or want to turn intellectual property into profits, and do it profitably and scalable... then this workshop is for you.

Get start today... and accomplish all these within days instead of months, years or never at all!


I mulled over the $297 price tag, and hey this is a small price to pay for what can turn into a million dollar Online Business, or multi-six figures if I'm being modest.

Will you trade $297 for $100,000? Sure you would.

While not an absolute guarantee (because anyone with a sensible mind knows results are never typical), my promise is you'll get access to the blueprint as used by top Course sellers and content creators (I explain more on my guarantee below...)


For selfish reasons, I want COURSE SAMURAI to reach more hands - so I've decided to "move a decimal point"... somewhat.

Instead of the (initially) intended price tag of $297, I'm making access available at a paltry sum of only $27.

Basically enough to help me maintain this website and put on worthwhile updates every now and then.


Simple. I'm making this deal on the idea that you'll be wow'ed by the immense value I'm giving you today, and that you'll want to check out what else I have in store for you.

That's my intention, and I don't want to front any pretense.

Getting access is easy.

Click on the order button below, and make your payment via our secure server. After that, you can sign into the members area and start your first module right away.

The recordings are all in the members area, so you can watch at anytime.

Backed By 60 Day Ironclad Guarantee

100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

That's Not All... Get These Fast Action Bonuses With COURSE SAMURAI Today:

FAST ACTION BONUS #1: Course Creator Check List And Rolodex

Our private resource in building your Online Course business.

($97 Value - Now Included FREE!)

FAST ACTION BONUS #2: Hot Course Topics List

Get our list of time-tested and profitable topics so you can pick and choose.

($97 Value - Now Included FREE!)

FAST ACTION BONUS #3: Updates To Training

The Course isn't static. The Internet changes, and so do we. Good news is: the overall strategy is sound and solid, and when we make updates to the Course, you get to enjoy them without paying extra.

($297 Value - Now Included FREE!)


How this works is simple:

Get your access to COURSE SAMURAI today and for the next 60 days, go through the program and implement everything I have to share.

You have ample time to make back at least what you've invested in this Course. Just 1 sale and this pays itself. Every sale you make after this is PROFIT.

And if this doesn't meet your expectations for some reason? No hard feelings, contact us by email, let us know and we'll buy this back from you fuss-free. And hey, the Bonuses are yours to keep as a token of trying.

I'm assuming the risk for you, so you don't have to.

But no promises that I'll keep COURSE SAMURAI at such a low price forever, so ACT RIGHT NOW by clicking the order button below...


What You Get In This Package:

How To Get Instant High Ticket Programs For Big Profits
Crash Course Copywriting To Sell Your Mini Course
Speedy Course Creation Using AI
Where To Host Your Mini Course
Email Sequence To Nurture And Grow Your Tribe
Bonus 1: Course Creator Check List And Rolodex
Bonus 2: Hot Course Topics List
Bonus 3: Regular Updates To Training

Regular Price $297


Backed By 60 Day Ironclad Guarantee

100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout


Q: Give me the brief run down. What am I getting?

A: You get access to the COURSE SAMURAI, an online workshop that's already available in the members area. You can watch the first training module within minutes after making payment.

The course is a combination of hosted videos - organized into modules - and downloadable templates, scripts and framework.

And for a limited time, you also get all the Bonuses mentioned on this page at no extra cost.

Q: What if I'm not an expert on any subject? Is this still for me?

A: The model breaks that limitation whereby one needs to be a public figure, expert with many years of experience, or hold degrees and certifications.

While there are *very few* topics that may require that, for the most part it is not. We give you a list of hot topics that are profitable and doesn't require any of the above, and you don't have to "fake it till you make it".

Q: Do I need to set aside a lot of time to make this work?

A: COURSE SAMURAI is designed to be concise and can be completed within a couple of hours. Even if you're employed or have a full-time business, you can put in a few hours every week to build your mini Course business.

We also show you how to leverage on AI, outsource your business ops and automate the business via tools so it's humanly possible to run and profit even as a one-person entrepreneur.

Q: Is there a time limit to the Course?

A: Your access is permanent (life of the membership). There is no sneaky recurring billing, only a one-time payment.

Q: Will there be any support?

A: Yes, use our FB Group Community so you can ask questions!

Q: Do you have a guarantee? Am I actually going to make income from this Course?

A: In business, just like in life, there are no guarantees. You can make a million dollars or you can make nothing.

How much you make depends on things like your commitment, how fast you learn and execute, the industry or niche you are in, pricing, your current circumstances... just some to name.

However, there is one guarantee I can make, and that is you will get access to the complete training in COURSE SAMURAI and everything else mentioned on this page.

Your purchase is protected by my 100% satisfaction guarantee in the next 60 days so you don't have anything to lose, you only need to give yourself a chance to make this work.


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100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

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VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS & NOTICES: Sales figures referenced are my own and/or that of our Clients. Please understand these results are NOT typical; you may do better or worse depending on various factors like offer, market, pricing, perseverance, etc. This workshop is intended as training; it is NOT a "business opportunity". If you're not committed, do not sign up.